Toolbox (top right of farm screen)

Article Details
Article ID: 11
Created On: 29 Jul 2009 2:43 PM

Answer What is the Computer Disk Symbol?

This is a new save function and it must be clicked every time you exit the game, visit another page on Facebook, exit the browser window, log off etc...

Every 20 seconds or so the system reloads on its own saving 99% of data, however when you don't use the save button there is still a margin of time where you could be kicked out or signed off/timed off of facebook/view another page/or for whatever reason have to close the window. When this happens, and you haven't clicked on the save button, you have more chances of losing data, or one or more items on your farm.
What is the Musical Symbol?

image:music_on.jpgThis is the Toggle Music feature which will turn off the music in the game. Click on the musical symbol and the button will turn red image:music_off.jpg. You will no longer hear the music while playing the game.
What is the Speaker Symbol?

This is the Toggle Sound feature which, when clicked will turn red image:sound_off.jpg and will turn off the sounds the animals make.
What is the Wrench Symbol?

This is the link to the Preferences Menu. The following options are available:

* Show Trees / Show Flowers / Show Buildings - If these options are unchecked, all trees, flowers and buildings will be hidden from your view. You will be able to plow and plant on your own farm with these items out of the way and you can use this option on other farms when harvesting.
* Freeze Animals - this option allows you to halt the movement of your animals so that you can move fences without your animals escaping.
* Remove Space Between Fields - this option will allow you to place plots side-by-side when plowing instead of having a space in between. It is advisable to start plowing from the top left of your farm when using this option, also make sure that all existing harvested plots are deleted first.
* Smooth Graphics - this option may produce higher quality graphics, but depending on the computer, may create slow-downs.
* Follow Avatar While Walking - this option, when unchecked, stops the screen from jumping and following the Avatar around when you are plowing or harvesting.

What is the Plug Symbol?

if you click on the green Online Mode (plug symbol) you can select to go into Offline Mode. Once you do this you will become invisible on your farm. You will be able to plow and plant your crops without being interrupted by other farmers. They will still be able to access your farm and leave you messages, they just won't see you. You can also use this mode to tend neighbours farms without seeing them if they are on their farms. This only works if you select your neighbours from your neighbour bar at the bottom of your farm screen. If you access them through your neighbour listing (top of farm screen) this will reset itself to online when you enter their farm. You can also use Offline Mode to go to the marketplace to sell your crops without seeing everyone else.

When you enter Offline Mode, you are still connected to our servers. So all your activity, farm changes, purchases, gifts, etc, continues working as usual. The only functionality that doesn't work is the multi-user functionality (e.g. chat, hiring, etc).

Why would you want to go in Offline Mode? Users who are behind a firewall or a router, until now couldn't play Farm Town at all. With this new mode, these users can play the game with most functionality enabled. Also, in cases that our servers become unavailable, you can play offline while the servers come back online. You will NOT lose anything using Offline Mode.
What is the Questions Mark Symbol?

This is the Help feature. It repeats the help that you received when you first set up your farm by indicating where the plow tool and the harvesting tool are, as well as the Store access. You can click on this button at any time to repeat these instructions.