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How much am I charged for watering my flowers?
How much am I charged for watering my flowers?
You are charged 1 coin per flower/plant that is watered. If your neighbours water your plants for you, they will earn 1 coin per flower/plant that they water.
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29 Jul 2009 3:21 PM
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The Pimco Total Return Fund, which had $7.7 billion in net cash outflows in August alone, has seen its assets shrink by 14 percent to $251 billion at the end of August from $292 billion at the end of April, Morningstar added.
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Last month, someone called the nearby Belton Police Department and threatened to bomb a county courthouse near Fort Hood unless officials met Hasan's "demands," Lange said. No bomb was found, and no one has been arrested.
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National statistics agency INSEE has forecast that unemployment will keep increasing throughout the year to hit 11.1 percent by year-end, just shy of the record 11.2 percent of 1997, with the state-subsidized jobs slowing the increase but not enough to actually cut the unemployment rate.
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Bae, a father of three, was born in South Korea and immigrated to the U.S. with his parents and sister in 1985. For the past seven years he has been living in China, and a couple of years ago began leading small tour groups, mostly of American and Canadian citizens, into a "special economic zone" designed to encourage commerce in the northeastern region of Roson in North Korea, Chung said.
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The Fudacz suit details how the surgery went wrong and the aftermath of the incidents. It lists the plaintiffs as Ms. Fudacz; Mr. Fudacz; their parents, Paul Fudacz, Sr., and Ellen Fudacz; Christopher, 26, John, 17, and Joseph, 11, brothers of Sarah and Paul, Jr., and Marie Fudacz, 23, their sister. Members of the family could not be reached for comment Wednesday.
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Joining a list of refiners who have put a public price onthe cost of complying with a landmark 2007 U.S. biofuel law,Total has been forced to buy renewable identification numbers(RINs) this year to meet its obligation because it does notblend any fuel itself, the spokeswoman said.
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